Health care

Virtual reception of patients, psychotherapy and much more

Virtual reality technology is also used to create fully immersive 3D simulations in which future doctors can hone their skills in examining and treating patients.

It is already possible to train future doctors in various heart pathologies with the help of the CardioVR virtual reality simulator. They can see the work of the heart in various scenarios:

"Normal heart", "Arterial hypertension", "Myocardial infarction", "Atrial fibrillation", prescribe the necessary therapy and see the result of treatment.

Ideas for thematic applications based on virtual reality technology can also be used to train medical workers in different specialties. For example, programs for teaching of the basics of patient communication, anesthesiology, sedation and ventilation of the lungs, first aid in the military field and other simulations that can be created on demand.
VR is also used to treat psychological disorders. For example, it became possible to painlessly play around various situations for the social adaptation of autists showing how to better behave in different situations.

Virtual simulators of military actions can be used not only to entertain and train soldiers but also to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD of veterans.
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